Few issues in a divorce are as hotly contested as alimony. Whether you’re the paying spouse or the receiving one, our attorneys can advocate for your best interests. We have a deep knowledge of Utah alimony laws and use this knowledge, plus our considerable experience in representing clients in divorce negotiations, to achieve the best possible outcome for your situation.
At Felt Family Law & Mediation, we advocate for your interests—not your spouse’s—whether you’re the spouse requesting alimony or the one who would be paying it. Please contact us today for a consultation with a Layton, UT, alimony lawyer.
What Can A Layton Alimony Lawyer Do For Me?
If there is a significant income disparity between divorcing spouses, a judge will likely award alimony to the lesser-earning spouse. In some cases, it may be durational, providing the lesser-earning spouse with support to finish education or vocational training or just enough support through the divorce process.
Our clients usually aim to achieve a divorce settlement out of court, avoiding the stress of a trial. However, sometimes, especially if there are questions of alimony, the two parties cannot agree on a compromise, and the case goes before a judge. We create a strong argument in your favor, building a case for your position. We represent your interests in court and in negotiations.
We carefully review the contributions you made to the marriage, both material and supportive, as in the role of stay-at-home parent or homemaker. If you’re the spouse petitioning for alimony, we fight to ensure that you receive the highest amount for the longest period of time. If you are the spouse of whom alimony is being requested, we can help ensure that as much of your assets and income are preserved.
Determining Alimony In Utah
Utah family law judges have multiple options when assigning alimony. They usually consider each spouse’s current income, earning potential, and the duration of their marriage. They may also consider whether one spouse requires support to finish a degree or vocational training so they are better able to secure gainful employment post-divorce.
While we know that family law judges strive for equity and fairness when determining alimony, we also understand that our client’s views of equities and their spouse’s can be vastly different. This is why having skilled legal representation is so critical to achieving the best possible outcome for your divorce. We list your contributions to the marriage and household and present them to a judge. Or, we can represent you in mediation, seeking a more creative solution that suits your current situation best.
Representing Your Best Interests In Alimony Claims
If you’re going through a divorce, you deserve to have the best possible financial situation to face your new future. Whether you’re the spouse who deserves alimony or the spouse being asked to pay your ex, trust a Layton alimony lawyer to vigorously advocate for your best interests. Contact Felt Family Law & Mediation today for a personalized consultation.