divorce lawyer Memphis, TNIn entertainment, divorces are typically associated with lots of arguments, deception, manipulation, and contention. In the real world, these types of divorces happen as well, and it’s natural for emotions and tensions to be high. Spouses may find it hard to see eye to eye, especially when factors like marriage infidelity are at play. 

However, many divorces aren’t characterized by such drama, even when infidelity occurs. Furthermore, some marriages end because both partners feel like the marriage isn’t working, but they still have respect or even love for the other person. 

These divorces are known as uncontested divorces, and unlike contested divorces, you won’t see lots of bickering over who should receive what assets or who should have more child custody. However, uncontested divorces can still leave spouses open to an unfair situation. This blog will explore reasons why you should hire an attorney, even for amicable divorces. 

  1. Hiring An Attorney Makes the Process Faster

Even if you have no ill will towards your soon-to-be-ex-spouse, you likely want to end the divorce as quickly as possible. Navigating the divorce process by yourself can result in several complications, including paperwork errors. Crossing your T’s and dotting your I’s becomes more difficult when many assets are at play or if there are factors like alimony, child support, or child custody. 

  1. Ensures You’re Not Forfeiting Any Rights

Without you or even your partner realizing it, it’s possible that one of your could be forfeiting certain rights. For example, if you have children, both spouses probably want to be able to decide on certain medical needs, but maybe your current paperwork doesn’t specifically detail this. When with shared legal custody, both parents need to be in agreement before making any medical decisions regarding their child. However, emergency medical situations may call for immediate action even if the other parent is unreachable. 

  1. Prevents Content From Happening 

Just because you and your partner have decided to handle things amicably doesn’t mean that contention still can’t happen. Emotions can still run high, and it’s possible that your partner is bottling up certain feelings. Something minor, like wanting to keep a certain asset that has sentimental value for your spouse, can suddenly turn into an argument. An attorney present can help keep things objective and mediate if necessary. 

Approaching Your Partner About Wanting to Use an Attorney 

You’re under no obligation to tell your partner that you want to hire an attorney before beginning the divorce process. However, if both parties are planning to handle things amicably, then it’s a good idea to be upfront about wanting to hire an attorney. 


Emphasize that the reason for hiring an attorney isn’t so you can get a “better deal” but rather to make sure everything’s in order. Unless you both have legal expertise, likely your partner will start to see your point. Both partners can even meet with the same Memphis divorce lawyer before making a decision, something our friends at Patterson Bray PLLC agree can calm potentially troubled waters. 


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Client Review

"Words can’t explain how easy my custody process went. Johnathan is extremely helpful with his team, they got back to me right away when I reached out. He was honest about my situation and took care of everything! Proud and glad to have him represent me. I am now reunified with my son after 5 long years!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
Amber Montoya
Client Review

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